Accessing password protected page
Molly Schwartz
Our Dean, Scott Lanyon, is having issues accessing the secure GEAR+ page on our website ( When he tries to log in, he's getting a message that says "No existing user account matches the SAML ID provided..." (see attached). Any idea what's going on?
Ollie Moltaji
under here: there is a parameter to allow users to create an account if no saml data is present. This allowed me to access gear+ with my test account and likely addresses the issue Scott had. Feel free to cancel his account and login again if you'd want to test (he is currently in the system as authenticated)
Molly Schwartz
Ollie Moltaji: OK, I'll give that a try, thank you!
Molly Schwartz
Ollie Moltaji: I tried cancelling his account and now his status is "blocked" in Drupal so he's getting the following message. Do you know how to delete his account without blocking him?
Ollie Moltaji
Molly Schwartz: you have to delete, not disable the account. I went ahead and did that for you
Molly Schwartz
Ollie Moltaji: Awesome, thank you!
Ollie Moltaji
if his x500 is slanyon i went ahead and added him as an authenticated user
Ollie Moltaji
he needs to be added as a user to the site (his x500 and credentials)
Molly Schwartz
Ollie Moltaji: I don't think this is the issue; anyone with an x500 is supposed to be able to log in to see this page, that's how Charlot set it up. Many students have been able to sign in, if you look at the user list you'll see them