Change to a view
Jonathan Miller
I would like to create 3 news feed views that look like this link we have on the site
The link above is set to show AAP Posts from any of the posts types, but I am hoping to have 3 new feeds for each of the post types: 1. Research 2. News 3. Project. Unfortunately, I don't know how to do this one my own.
I am then going to add a new menu item for each of these to the existing menu structure. This I do know how to do.
Thank you for your help with this,
Courtney Lang
Hi Jonathan,
Jack and I are done setting up the new views and pages for you. Here are the three specific news views:
Here is the page here you can view the hidden newsfeed when logged in:
Please let us know if there is anything you would like changed.
Jonathan Miller
Courtney Lang Sweet! Thank you for this. They look great on first glance. I will let you know if I have any questions as I add them to our menu structure.
Jonathan Miller
Hey Courtney Lang, I was getting around to adding these to our website menu structure and it seems like if I change the name of the page or adjust the URL path, it messes them up so that feed doesn't appear. Might just be something that is above my skill set to do.
So I have added them to the menu structure, but I am hoping you can make the following adjustments.
Can you change the name of this page to "Recent Projects" and can you change the URL path to be /programs/recent-projects
Can you change this page to be "Recent Research" and can the URL path be /research/recent-research
Change the name to "News" and then the URL /news-events/news
Courtney Lang
Jonathan Miller: Hi Jonathan,
No problem! I updated the blocks to show up on those new URLs and changed the page names for you. Let me know if everything looks good on your end.
Jonathan Miller
Courtney Lang Looks good! Thanks!
Courtney Lang
Hi Jonathan,
I'm happy to look into this for you and start building those specialized views. Do you want the combined view to stay as-is in addition to creating three specialized views?
Yes, it is possible to create a view for anything hidden from the newsfeed! How would you like these organized? One combined view, or a separate view for each post type? Where on the site do you plan on putting them?
Jonathan Miller
Courtney Lang. Thanks!
Yes, I would like the combined view to stay as-is, because I might still link to that elsewhere on the site.
And for the hidden from the newsfeed view, I would like that combined. I am not going to link to that anywhere–it's just a view that I would use internally for me to be able to uncheck that option for some of the posts. So maybe that isn't even a view? Maybe it's just a filtering option on the backend of the site?
Courtney Lang
Jonathan Miller: This all sounds very doable! I can make you a combined view on a page that's only visible with your admin login. I'll likely start working on this end of this week/early next week if that works for you.
Jonathan Miller
Courtney Lang Sounds great. No rush–it's not for a particular thing.
Jonathan Miller
P.S. I am also wondering if you can create a feed or view that shows all the content that had this box checked under publishing options:
Hide from Newsfeed?
If checked, this node will not show up on the News feed.
We created this box a while back so small projects wouldn't show up in the main news feed from the site (which was set as that link above: But I just noticed that checking that box also had the unintended consequence of making those items also not show up in other feeds on the slte. For example when you click on the Artist Neighborhood Partnership tag (, the projects that have that "Hide from Newsfeed" button checked, don't show up there either.
So, I want to do an audit and maybe uncheck that option for some posts, so it would be nice to have a view that shows items that have that selected.