Credit/link on CURA homepage image
Jonathan Miller
We have an image featured on the top of the CURA homepage that we rotate out occasionally. Can a small caption and link be added to the image that we can edit? Something like, "Spring 2022 graduates of Neighborhoods Now!" that would link to
Ideally it wouldn't be too intrusive and mess with the design. Let me know what you think.
Charlot Meyer
Hi Jonathan,
I think I finished with all the issues in the ticket. Could you double check to make sure everything looks okay so I can close the ticket?
Jonathan Miller
Charlot Meyer: Hey Charlot, unfortunately something is still broken. You can see it on content type portal pages like:
It seems like something is off on the layout of those pages and the hero images. It seems to be drawing in the "portal page image" and placing in. the hero image spot. But I don't think any of our content types were supposed to have hero images in the layout? That image is used for the "related" feed at the bottom of posts.
I wish I had an example of how it looked before to show you how it is supposed to look. Maybe I can dig up an old screen grab.
Jonathan Miller
Actually, it looks like the content type of "AAP Post" has the header area as it's supposed to look. An example is here:
And the other content types of "AAP Event" and "AAP General" look right. So it might just be "AAP Portal Page" that has the layout that's off.
Seems like the Portal Page has the hero image and the triangle swoop from the homepage showing up on it when it shouldn't
Jonathan Miller
Charlot Meyer Sorry to bother you about this, but do you have an ETA on the fix for this? In their current state, our program landing pages are pretty glaringly broken. Thanks!
Ollie Moltaji
Jonathan Miller: Charlot's out until later this week. Because I'm not sure what you both were working on with the portal pages hero, I did the least invasive thing and moved the block out of the Hero region so that it would not have the blue triangle that shows up from the template code.
Hopefully that is an ok fix until charot takes a look
Jonathan Miller
Ollie Moltaji: Hey Ollie, thank you for taking care of that. Actually the last little tweak may be easy for you to do, too and then the portal pages will be fixed. The other thing that is broken is that the "Portal Page Image" is showing up in the hero area of the layout of portal pages and that also need to be removed. I think that should fix it.
Jonathan Miller
Ollie Moltaji Actually, I'm worried that the Portal Page content type is also used on the homepage in addition to our program landing pages? Because the changes you made affected the homepage, so removing the image might break the homepage, but fix our program landing pages?
Ollie Moltaji
Jonathan Miller: I'm not sure I follow. I checked the home page and it seems fine. It is using a different block from the portal pages hero.
If everything is looking ok-ish for now, could other changes wait until charlot is back? both because i'm pretty busy with another project and I do not want to alter too much of what Charlot was working on.
Of course if something is horribly wrong, let me know and I can do my best without being too invasive
Jonathan Miller
Ollie Moltaji Sorry, for the flurry of messages (I just don't want to break our live website!) The change you made removing the blue triangle only changed the homepage when I am looking at in logged in–it still looks right when I am logged out.
Jonathan Miller
Ollie Moltaji: Ok, it's fine(ish) for now, so let's just leave it.
Jonathan Miller
Charlot Meyer Hey Charlot, I’m checking in on this issue with the portal page image showing up in the hero image/header area on the program page content type. There was a lot of back and forth on this, so let me know if I need to clarify anything. Thanks! Jonathan
Charlot Meyer
Jonathan Miller: I think I'm a little confused about where Portal Page image should go. For some reason, I thought you wanted it in the hero section. Could you please send me a design example?
Jonathan Miller
Charlot Meyer: The portal page image is used only as the teaser image in the "Related" section at the bottom of posts (see attached). Otherwise when Program pages showed up in the related area, they had no preview images. Otherwise that portal page image should be removed from the layout and the Portal Page content type header layout should look like other pages on the site, like
Charlot Meyer
Jonathan Miller: Oh, gotcha. I'll work on getting that fixed today.
Jonathan Miller
Charlot Meyer: Hey Charlot, I had some time to circle back to this this morning. Thank you for resolving the issue where the "Portal Page Image" was showing up in the header/hero area of the "AAP Portal Pages" layout.
It still seems like there is an issue where the "Portal Page Image" is showing up in a different place in the "AAP Portal Pages" layout. You can see an example on
where the portal page image is showing up at the top of the layout of the body section.
To clarify, that "Portal Page Image" is only supposed to be used in the "related" feed as a teaser image pictured in the comment above from 11/22/22.
Charlot Meyer
Jonathan Miller: Gotcha, easy fix. I'll get that done asap
Jonathan Miller
Charlot Meyer: Thanks. I think it's all sorted out now. And the original request is working great, I think this is resolved now.
Charlot Meyer
I deployed the styles for the hero image caption. Take a look at the live site and let me know if anything looks a miss.
Jonathan Miller
Charlot Meyer: Looks like something is off because when you go to any page on the site, now that main image from the home page is there with with a blue triangular shape. Also, the hero images that go on program pages seem to be missing?
Charlot Meyer
Jonathan Miller: Sorry about that. The home hero is only on the homepage. I'm looking into the hero image issue for the program/community pages.
Jonathan Miller
Charlot Meyer: Thanks!
Charlot Meyer
I was able to fix the top nav on the live site. The link was out of alignment because it didn't have a link associated with it.
Charlot Meyer
Hi Jonathan, I fixed the nav issue. Could you take a look at the dev site and confirm you see the changes.
Jonathan Miller
Charlot Meyer: Hey Charlot, on the dev it's better than it is right now on the live site, and I don't think I would notice if I weren't staring right at it seeking out the issue, but "publications" is still like a millimeter lower than the rest of the menu items and the spacing between "programs" and "publications" is larger than the spacing between the rest of the menu items.
Charlot Meyer
I made the placement and style updates to the image link. FYI, the placement moves to the wrong location if you're logged in. Make sure to view it when you're logged out.
Jonathan Miller
Charlot Meyer: Ok, it looks great and looks ready to push to the live site! Looks like I edit the link and text by editing the "Home" page in the content editor?
Jonathan Miller
Also, I noticed this on the dev site and thought it might be related to the new link, but it also looks like this is happening on the live site. Looks like "publications" menu is not aligned with the rest of the menus.
Charlot Meyer
Jonathan Miller: Ok, I'll take a look.
Charlot Meyer
I think any of the options are more than doable. I'll test in mobile to make sure everything looks okay.
Jonathan Miller
Charlot Meyer: Great, thanks!
Charlot Meyer
Hi Jonathan,
I'm looking at the options.
Jonathan Miller
Hello Charlot, I mocked up a some different looks for the caption with a colleague:
I like option 2B the best, but I don't know how easy that is to implement. If that option won't work, would option 1B work where the font is a open sans to match the font in the menus above?
Either way, can they still do the link/hover behavior?
Also, not sure how any of these will behave on a mobile screen? If it doesn't work on mobile, can it just be suppressed on mobile?
Charlot Meyer
Hi Jonathan, I added the image caption to the DEV site. Could you take a look and let me know if this is what you were thinking.
Jonathan Miller
Charlot Meyer: Thanks Charlot. I'm taking a look and will get back to you.
Charlot Meyer
I'll take a look and see what I can do.
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