GCal Link on transfer website not working?
Sarah Ihrig
The GCal feed on this page of the transfer website is not working, I am getting an error message and not sure what is happening: https://transfer.umn.edu/transfer-programming-and-events
Charlot Meyer
Great! I'm so happy it's working now.
Sarah Ihrig
Ugh! Someone changed the calendar settings to restrict access and I changed it back to publicly viewable, it's all good now. I am so sorry to bother. I should have checked this before. It didn't occur to me that anyone would have done this. Apologies!
Charlot Meyer
How to make your calendar public:
- On your computer, open Google Calendar.
- At the top right, click Settings. Settings.
- On the left, under "Settings for my calendars," click the name of the calendar you want to share.
- Under "Access permissions for events," check the box next to "Make available to public."
- Click OK.
Charlot Meyer
Hi Sarah,
Could you double check to verify that the calendar is set to "Public Sharing"?
Charlot Meyer
I think your site is being upgraded to D10 which caused some issues with the calendar module. I'll looking to it and get it fixed.
Sarah Ihrig
To clarify, Courtney was kind of enough to create the webpage above and link the following Calendar to it a few months ago, I am not sure why the link to the is not working any longer (just happened a few days ago): https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/1?cid=Y19jOGE3M2NiOTZhMGExNjMxZTNmMjY0MGZhZWJjZjBhYzhiMGVlYzA2OWJjMmQ4N2YzYjkyZDk2MjZjNzMwYzk2QGdyb3VwLmNhbGVuZGFyLmdvb2dsZS5jb20