IAS Calendar Month "Next" Button Not Working
Ollie Moltaji
Ollie Moltaji
Hi Abby, thank you for being patient. I'm about to deploy code that should help with the calendar
Ollie Moltaji
Hi Abby, just reaching out that I'll be back on this after the holiday break next week. hope that's ok.
Abby Travis
Hi Ollie—upon closer inspection, the way the design shows makes it appear that the events are occurring a week later than is accurate. See screenshot. The 3:30 pm event is on the 28th, but because it appears below the box for the 28th, visually reads as occurring on the 5th. Is it possible to adjust the design accordingly?
Ollie Moltaji
Abby Travis: I could probably tweak styles further to help. Would it be ok if I get back to this in the last week of october?
Ollie Moltaji
Got this working and events are color coded in the calendar as well. Right now I have it set to a modal popover on events (it should also work to have multiple events on the same day).
Feel to reachout to charlot regarding redesigning IAS events and we can revisit the calendar block for further adjustments then
Abby Travis
Ollie Moltaji: Wow! This is so great!! Thank you for all this work, Ollie, it looks incredible. I'll reach out to Charlot soon to set a meeting—trying to get past this first hump of the beginning of the semester first, and then I'll check in with her!
Ollie Moltaji
Hi Abby just an update: my colleague is out sick so I went ahead and uploaded the new module and it's working well. I do not have it enabled yet on the events page because it will need significant styling.
I'm going to wait for an overnight database to generate and work on styling it locally over tomorrow. I'd like to try to work in colors based on event type, so that could take me another full day or two, but either way I should have this complete by the end of this week.
Ollie Moltaji
The one I have in mind may work better because it won’t take you to day display
Abby Travis
Ollie Moltaji: 👏👏👏 Excellent!
Ollie Moltaji
Abby Travis: I'll go ahead and deploy the module today and then I'll have my colleague work on building it in the UI when they're back from vacation later this week.
I'll likely have to style the new calendar quite a bit because Folwell messes with table formatting... I estimate to complete in about a week if that's ok
Abby Travis
Ollie Moltaji: Sounds good! Will this affect the display of the rest of the "Events" page as well, or just the calendar? (I've had revisiting how event detail pages + the Events page display are designed on my to do list, but haven't had time to reach out to you about that... and now I wonder if this may be forcing the issue? I don't want you to have to do work that would be undone/affected later...!)
Ollie Moltaji
Abby Travis: The mini calendar is independent from the events view, so nothing more will be affected other than the mini calendar block.
What issues are going on with the events view? I will be more freed up at the end of October to help with that.
Abby Travis
Ollie Moltaji: Excellent. I'd love to talk about how we can improve the visual appearance of the events view and event detail pages, as well as the blog detail pages as our blog is also becoming more active. For events, the one image we upload gets cropped in two very different ways depending on where it appears throughout the site (event detail page, events view) that it is very limiting on what kind of image we can select to promote events. The images also appear very small on the actual detail pages, so we would like to talk about a redesign. We currently have an RA with significant Drupal experience who can help us with mocking up design possibilities and clarifying our needs if we get a sense of what would be helpful to you and what the possibilities/capabilities are.
Ollie Moltaji
Abby Travis: sounds good, working from a mockup works best for me.
Could you set up a meeting with Charlot to work on details and discuss?
Abby Travis
Ollie Moltaji: Will do! Thanks so much for everything as always, Ollie!!
Ollie Moltaji
none of the patches to address this work anymore, and it seems to be a well known issue fore the calendar module. would it be ok to try a different module for the mini calendar?
Abby Travis
Ollie Moltaji: Absolutely. I’m not at all tied to the display of this entire event calendar! We would not be sad to see any of it look different.