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Charlot Meyer
Charlot Meyer
Hi Molly, I'm going to jump in and handle this ticket of Ollie. We can password protect a page. Can you send me the url?
Molly Schwartz
Charlot Meyer: Here's the URL. Rather than having to use a password, could we have users login with their Internet ID?
Charlot Meyer
Molly Schwartz: yep
Charlot Meyer
Molly Schwartz: The url didn't come through. Could you email it to me?
Molly Schwartz
Charlot Meyer: oops sorry! https://grad.umn.edu/gear-0
Molly Schwartz
FYI we have unpublished this page until we have the password-protection in place. Thank you!
Ollie Moltaji
in progress
Ollie Moltaji
can you elaborate? is this for UMN users or non-umn users. How many pages and sections, manner of content etc?
There are many ways to achieve this in Drupal
Molly Schwartz
Ollie Moltaji: Hi Ollie, this would be for a subsection of currently enrolled grad students. I am not sure how much content it would involve, I'm waiting to hear back from the requestor and will let you know. Thank you!
Ollie Moltaji
Molly Schwartz: got it, I'll discuss at our team meeting tomorrow and likely assign someone else to this. It will probably need some follow up meetings to figure out the right strategy for what you need
Molly Schwartz
Ollie Moltaji: I got some clarity on this, we're looking to password-protect just one page, and it would be accessible to anyone with a UMN internet ID. How complicated would that be?