Three new teaching resources being developed
Charlot Meyer
Charlot Meyer
Sounds good. I'm done editing the content and making the new pages.
I have some question about where the content for "What about Learning Styles" and "References" should be located. We can discuss that in our meeting on Monday.
Charlot Meyer
in progress
Kate Martin
Charlot Meyer: Hello! I'll have the content for one of the three new teaching resources finalized by May 15 and hope it will be done in early August. Let me know if I should schedule a meeting to discuss this project. Thanks!
Charlot Meyer
Kate Martin: Sounds good. After I review the content, I'll let you know if a meeting is needed.
Kate Martin
Charlot Meyer: Here's the content in a Google Doc for Leveraging the Learning Sciences.
It will be a new Teaching Resource to appear under the grouping of Design Effective Learning Experiences. You'll see that this title/ topic already appears there with some outdated verbiage and Canvas site. The Canvas site will go away.
Kate Martin
Good morning! Just checking on whether you have any need to discuss this request before proceeding? And checking on your anticipated timeline -- do you think this will be ready by early August? Thank you!
Charlot Meyer
Hi Kate, We can absolutely help you with this. Would you like to meet to discuss the new resources?
Kate Martin
Charlot Meyer: That would be great, Charlot. Thanks! I'll propose a time.
Kate Martin
Hi Charlot, Let me know when you've made the most recent round of edits I suggested in the Google doc. I do have some thoughts on the landing page that would be easier for me to describe in a meeting rather than here or by email. I'll add a time for next week and give you permissions to move it. Thanks!