I noticed that when you click on tags that are exclusively used on the "Event" content type on the CURA website, they don't seem to work. An example of this is on this post https://www.cura.umn.edu/events/cura-housing-forum-investor-owned-single-family-rentals-evictions-twin-cities At the bottom there is the tag "Housing forum" which is a tag we have exclusively used on the events content type. ( https://www.cura.umn.edu/taxonomy/term/726 ) When you click on it, it goes to a blank page. As a test, I added the housing forum tag to an AAP Post content type post and then when you click on Housing Forum, that one AAP post does show up when you click on the Housing Forum tag, but none of the events do still. I'd appreciate some help looking into this. Thanks, Jonathan